Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dear University Prep Middle School Parents:
     It is with great pleasure that I announce that it’s that time of year again – BACK TO SCHOOL!!!  This year your child will be embarking on a totally great aspect of life – middle school years! This part of schooling, for both parents as well as students, is very interesting, academically rigorous, and rewarding to say the least.
     My duty as an advisor for your child is to ensure that he or she receives the best education afforded to them.  This means there will be plenty of collaboration with you, the parent, as this cannot be done without you.  There is an old African proverb that states, “It takes a village to raise a child”, and I am a firm believer in its philosophy.  It has been my conclusion from my eight years of teaching that a child receives their best education and values their education most when parents and the community are seen as partners in their quest for excellence in today’s current highly competitive academic arena.  As partners in education, parents are encouraged to “pop in” and see all the magnificent things that your child is experiencing or creating for themselves. And if there is a conflict in time, Ms. Andrews’ English Language Arts classes can always be virtually visited at http://uprep-andrews.blogspot.com/.  Upon visiting, you will find up and coming project information, supplemental resources for class concepts, student artifacts, as well as discussions students have with one other in regards to class topics/concepts.
     Below, you will find a brief overview of the English Language Arts curriculum, as well as a supply list for students to extend the 2012-2013 school year.

English Language Arts
Springboard English Language Arts is continuing to blossom at the UPA community this school year. It is a very rigorous English precursor to prepare for accelerated courses in each students’ future. Springboard emphasizes higher-order thinking skills that challenge them to aim higher and achieve more, helps students personalize and own their learning, and encourages self-exploration and the application of learning strategies that work best for them as individuals.  You can expect for your child to have homework at least five times per week.


Regular and timely arrival to class each day is important for academic success. Homeroom begins promptly at 8:05am and is designed to reinforce skills from prior day’s lessons as well as community building; therefore it is vital that your child arrives to school punctually and consistently.

Students will receive homework at least five days per week.  Homework is an essential element in reinforcing lessons taught in class.  All homework should be returned the next school day unless otherwise noted by the teacher. Homework will be scored and will assist with enhancing not only your child’s overall grade but also their understanding of concepts from class. Homework will receive a grade of a “check minus” for incorrect work; a “check” for work that has few errors; or a “check plus” for work completed fully and correctly. This is my homework grading scale for all assignments minus take home tests, quizzes, and/or projects. At the end of each quarter, homework grades will be examined, and those students who have succeeded at turning in ¾ or 75% of their homework assignments for a subject will be given 3% added to their grade in the subject(s) in which homework has been submitted. Please make note that I do not accept incomplete or late homework assignments.

The following grading scale will be implemented in each class for assignments.
100% - 90%  = A
89% - 80%   = B
79% - 70%   = C
69% - 60%   = D
59% & below = E

Overall Expectations:
Please be aware that as the class wraps up a chapter in a particular subject there may not be a homework assignment the day a test is taken in that specific subject. That is why it is important that you encourage your child to read ahead to prepare for the next section. Also, it has been proven to helpful if you quiz your child on classroom concepts daily to reinforce skills taught during the school day. Please be advised that often times a low test grade may be sent home so that it is reviewed with the parent. After reviewing the assignment with your child, please sign and return it back to school with your child the next day.

Also, in an effort to prepare your student to be builders in the 21st century, students will have various web based assignments to complete throughout the course. This may include blogging, online collaborative projects to display information known as Wiki, narrative creations using Voice Thread, as well as a variety of other new and innovative technology tools to increase student comprehension of class concepts in a real world context.

Materials & Supplies:
Please send your child to school each day with the following supplies:
  • Pencils and/or pens
  • Lined paper
  • One spiral notebook per subject
  • One folder per subject
  • Flash drive

Thank you in advance.  I look forward to working with your child as well as you.  For any additional questions, I can be reached at (313)831-0100 ext. 109 or via e-mail at kandrews@uprep.com.


Ms. Andrews

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